Members' Information Archive

Winter Party 19th January Tickets now on sale (17 December 2018)
Click here for details

Save the date Winter Party (4 December 2018)
Tickets will shortly be for sale for the Winter Party, to be held on Saturday 19th January. Details to follow.

In aid of Genesis Trust, a Bath charity for the homeless. All are welcome to come and sing together. Judith Liddell will be leading us as in previous years. We plan to meet at 10 Lansdown Crescent at 6pm for a quick rehearsal with refreshments, then set off to sing around Lansdown Place West, Somerset Place, All Saints Road, Lansdown Crescent, the Mews, Dixon Gardens and Lansdown Place East from about 6.30 - 8 pm. This is always a happy occasion and people are welcome to come and sing.  Please bring a torchPlease bring your own copy of the LCA Carol Book if possible: this can be downloaded for printing here (same edition as last year). Some copies will be available on the night. Those who prefer to stay at home and answer their doorbells are contributing just as muchand we hope to beat the £450 we raised for the homeless last year.

FoBRA winter reception (21 November 2018)
Tuesday 12th Feb 2019, 6.30 – 8.00pm

As in previous years, FoBRA’s Winter Reception will be held at the Victoria Art Gallery, Bridge Street, Bath. A broad range of Bath’s leaders will be invited as our guests, including Councillors in all the wards covered by FoBRA members.
Drinks and canapés will be served. FoBRA members who have attended Winter Receptions in the past have found them to be enjoyable evenings and a good opportunity to meet and lobby the authorities in Bath.
To book a place, please email the Treasurer with your name and the Association of which you are a member, and send £12.50 per person by bank transfer (reference: your name) to Sort Code: 40-09-19, Account No. 42211815. There are no tickets, but there will be an email acknowledgement.
Or, if otherwise necessary, write to Neil Barnes, FoBRA Treasurer, 21 Summerhill Road, Sion Hill, Bath BA1 2UP, enclosing a cheque for the appropriate amount and an SAE; and giving a phone number and/or email address.

AGM Calling Thursday 21st March 7pm (26 October 2018)
The next AGM will take place at St Stephen's Church Hall on 21st March 2019 at 7pm.
All members are welcome to attend and are reminded to ensure annual subscriptions are paid before this date.

High Common - Action needed (17 July 2018)

Dear members,

Our neighbouring resident association Cavendish Road Association, have been refused use of the high common to hold a small summer gathering for their association. Through this process of application it has become apparent that certain council officers regard this public land as restricted access, limited to three pathways only. Not recognising that for many years local people have co-existed alongside the golfers in using the high common for informal recreation. This includes children sledging, having picnics, dog walkers (obviously avoiding the greens) youngsters playing ball games and couples taking in the views on these lovely summer evenings. 
There is a wonderful mutual respect amongst all users of the land and we believe that we should be very firm and insist that this status quo is maintained. 
We are now seeking statements from our members who use the land in this way, confirming that they use the land, for what purpose and for how many years they have done this uninterrupted. 
Please could you email any statements to Rachael Hushon at who will gather these on behalf of LCA and forward them to CRA.

Lansdown Crescent Association Annual General Meeting 2018 (28 April 2018)

This will be held on Saturday 28 April at 7pm in St Stephen’s Church Hall, Lansdown Road. AGM papers will have been circulated before this newsletter is distributed; any member who has not received them should contact Simon Brand (Secretary).
The agenda can be found here.

Data Protection (22 April 2018)

We understand the LCA to be covered by the new Data Protection legislation taking effect in May 2018. The LCA Committee is preparing a draft policy to be discussed and, we hope, adopted at the AGM. While we do not expect this to place onerous demands on either the Committee or individual members, we do anticipate asking for formal agreement to the holding for specific purposes of names, addresses, and (where relevant) email addresses, and the creation of a Committee role to take responsibility for the appropriate storage, use, and disposal of this information.

Subscription reminder

Reminder to all members that subscriptions are now due for payment.
Any queries please contact
Stephanie Higgins (Membership Secretary) | Email

2022 Annual General Meeting (19 oct 22)


2022 Annual General Meeting (16 mar 22)


2021 Annual General Meeting


2017 Annual General Meeting (April 2017)

Agenda for 2017 AGM, 3 April 2017

Simon Brand (Secretary) | Email

2016 Annual General Meeting (April 2016)

Agenda for 2016 AGM, 15 February 2016

Call for Committee Nominations
Proposed Finial Replacement Scheme

Simon Brand (Secretary) | Email
Members will be aware of the Association's Finial Replacement Scheme, a briefing paper on which was issued to everyone with the AGM Agenda (see above). To amplify this, to bring it up to date, and to address the many questions which have come from lots of you, the Committee has prepared 55 questions and answers ("FAQs"), covering every aspect of the project. Please click here to read the document.
Robin Kerr (Chairman) | Email

2015 Annual General Meeting (April 2015)
Agenda for 2015 AGM, 26 March 2015
Chairman's Report

2014 Annual General Meeting (April 2014)
Chairman's Report
Hon. Treasurer's Report
Webmaster's Report
Agenda for 2014 AGM, 27 March 2014

2013 Annual General Meeting (April 2013)
Secretary's Report